Friday, June 5, 2009

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

This is a time where people are really talking about New Year's resolutions, new starts. It's a brand new year, brand new day and they'd really love to break free of some of the old stuff--go into some beautiful new green pastures in their life. I was at the gym the other morning and of course, the gym this week is busier than it's been all year. But give it a couple of weeks, and it's probably going to be back to normal again. One of the personal trainers came up to me, and thought he was making kind of cordial talk and he said, 'Hey, it's a new year. Do you even remember any of your resolutions?" I said "Well, absolutely, I do" and he said "Well, how many have you all of them yet or forgotten them yet?" and I 'm like "No, I really haven't." But you know that's kind of the current state of affairs.
What a lot of us do, we set those New Year's resolutions and then, if we're not careful we don't check in to see how we're doing until New Year's next year. And so, what I really encourage people to do is find a point of inspiration. You know, we tend to overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade. You know, so many of us want to turn around, you know states of affairs that we've created over years and years of habits in a nanosecond and it probably isn't going to work. You don't turn a battleship around on a dime. You know, you turn it around over time staying the course and holding steady. So what I would encourage everyone to do is find a program like Science of Success.
This program, as much, if not more, of anything I've ever been exposed to will get you clear, not only of what you're capable of creating, but exactly how to do that. So when you sit down, which I ask you to do in the program and define your vision for your life, come up with something that really inspires you. You know, something that, that makes you enthusiastic because if you, you know, set some kind of goal or vision for your life that is someone else's. It's not going to inspire you, and you're probably going to burn out.
And that's where I find a lot of people who are depressed. You know, a lot of people who are overwhelmed or are not excited about their life. When I begin to talk to them, they're living someone else's life. It's more noble to imperfectly pursue your own passions than to perfectly pursue someone else's.


Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? If you’re longing for a soul mate, the Soul Mate Kit will help you prepare to manifest one!As someone who didn’t meet and marry my soul mate until I was 44, I learned a lot along the way about what does and doesn’t work in the world of love and romance. Finding true love is possible for any one at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver the people and things we draw to us that are consistent with our personal belief system. If you don’t believe you will ever find the ONE, then guess what, you get to be right. . . you probably won’t.If, however, you learn to believe that the one is not only out there but is also looking for you, then true love can be yours. My grandmother always told me there’s a lid for every pot. In other words, there is a match -- a perfect partner -- for every person. Even so, I have to admit that there were many, many times in my thirties when I questioned this because I still hadn’t found the lid to my pot.
Then one day something happened that really solidified in me the belief for me that my soul mate was out there . . . somewhere. I was watching Oprah and she had Barbra Streisand on the show. Barbra had recently fallen in love with James Brolin and I remember thinking, “Here is this super-wealthy, ultra famous diva . . . how many men could be a match for her?” And then I realized, if God could find somebody for her then I’ll be a piece of cake! I knew in that moment, with absolute certainty, that if the Universe had the perfect man for Barbra Streisand then my soul mate was definitely out there. I also knew that I needed to prepare myself on every level to magnetize him into my life.

Need of Personal Growth

More than ever we are in need of Personal Growth on a global level. We are in dire straits because of a general worldwide lack of knowledge and awareness of what’s possible when we create extraordinary lives for ourselves and each other. We can all contribute to the one world community and make the planet a bet ter place. The norm has been people who spread negative news, promote fast food and pharmaceutical concoctions rather than address the cause of real life issues.
We have been trained, to varying degrees, to obey authority, work hard, and to speak when called on. The educational system instills an early model for learning that conditions our behavior as adults. Some of you may be going through life, day-in and day-out, just working hard, watching TV, eating junk food, and falling into bed at night. You may be living on autopilot rather than directing your energies and living life to its fullest. Think about it: You are the producer, director, and actor of the movie called your life. To live an outstanding life, which includes doing what you love and being all you can be, you need to be proactive and deliberate on designing your destiny.
Today’s world demands that powerful people step up and take a stand for what’s important. Together we can challenge systems that no longer serve us and create new structures that will be designed more effectively to set us up for success. The quality of our lives depends on us and how we choose to live. The choices we make ultimately shape our lives and many of us are waking up to this fact. With movies such as What The Bleep Do We Know!?™ and The Secret, people are becoming aware that there is more to life than what meets the eye. The Power of Personal Growth offers you significant awareness and knowledge so you can make empowering choices to positively impact your life.

Believe Your Soul Mate is Out There

Believing that your soul mate is out there is critical to the preparation of manifesting him or her into your life. The basic law of attraction states that you will attract to you those things that match your state of belief.I believe that the Universe is always mirroring back to us our beliefs about ourselves and the world. If we believe the world is a loving and friendly place, then most of the time that will be our experience. If we believe the world is a chaotic, stressful and fearful place, then that becomes our reality. So, believing and knowing that your soul mate is out there is part of the formula for manifestation. If you do not yet believe with 100% certainty that your soul mate is out there, let’s begin to look for things that will make a believer out of you.
Do you believe you are loveable? If you are reading this then I am certain you are loveable. Why? Because, loveable people want more love in their lives. But, if you believe you are not loveable, I’m going to ask you to challenge that belief. Take a moment to identify at least three (or more) lovable traits that you possess, such as being generous, compassionate, friendly, kind, considerate, thoughtful, interesting, funny, etc. Write these down and then memorize them. You will be using them shortly for your treasure map.I know many very attractive, successful single people who have some very negative, limiting beliefs when it comes to finding their soul mate.
The list usually goes something like this:
I’m too old.I’m too fat.
I’m too damaged.
I have too much baggage.
am too successful.
I am not successful enough.
All the good ones are taken.
Nobody I want wants me.
These are just knee-jerk excuses to keep you stuck. There is plenty of evidence that love is available to everyone regardless of age, weight or income or any other feeble excuse. What if I told you that it’s not your job to know HOW your soul mate is going to appear? It’s only your job to be ready, willing and open to love.
You don’t really know where air or water comes from but you totally believe that they are there for you. As a human being you know that air and water are your divine right. You know that no matter what mistakes you have made in the past, you are still going to wake up every day and have access to air and water. The same is true for love. It’s there for you. It’s always been there for you. You just need to remember the love that you are and once you do, the Universe will deliver to you the perfect soul mate. There is nothing for you to do, there is only a way for you to BE.

Personal Growth power

The Power of Personal Growth explores what Personal Growth is, illustrates its value and demonstrates what’s possible for you, your loved ones and the world at large.
The book offers an inside view of the impact Personal Growth has had on the 56 people who contributed to the book. You’ll discover what Personal Growth means to them, the impact it has had on their lives, what they envision is possible for themselves and the world, and wisdom they live by that makes all the difference for them.
The interviews represent collectively hundreds of years of experience of Personal Growth. I’m grateful to those who have opened up and generously shared their journey—the stories offer pearls of insights that you, the reader, may take pleasure in while reading The Power of Personal Growth.There are several ways to read this book. First, you may choose to read the book from cover to cover - starting at the beginning and reading straight through to the end. This will provide you with a great overview of the impact Personal Growth can have on your life.
Second, you may choose to read the book in sections, specific chapters, story topics, or read only what particular individuals have to say. If you prefer to read selectively, you will find an index in the back of the book that will help you navigate the content.Third, you may opt to read random pages. Have fun with it! Every page is filled with insights and wisdom that will positively impact your life.
I recommend that you explore all the options and allow the insights and lessons in this book to become fully integrated into your life. I also invite you while reading to write down those insights, action items, and a-ha moments at the end of each chapter on the lines provided.The Power of Personal Growth is a book to re-read throughout your Personal Growth journey. As you grow and evolve, you will continually discover new nuggets of wisdom that speak to you at one point in your life or another.