Sunday, November 1, 2009

Power of Divine Feminine and the Great Awakening

Are you hearing talk of 2012 and wondering what all the hype is about? Are we on the verge of Armageddon as doomsday sayers are spouting? 2012 movies are starting to come out and many of them will support this theory to strike fear in the hearts of many or just for the sensationalism to attract people’s attention and dollars.
When I started to write my book Phoenix Star in 2004, I was struggling to understand what I believed surrounding the prophecies of 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. My research had revealed that there is a rare astronomical alignment known as the ‘Dark Rift’ that is predicted to occur on December 21, 2012 but the logical part of my brain couldn’t seem to grasp its meaning. What exactly is going to happen?
Did it mean the planet would implode or explode? Would humans as a race simply disappear as the planet travelled through the Milky Way Galaxy? Or would some, who had attained a certain level of enlightenment, survive and then exist on a higher plane?
Inspiration led me to craft a story weaving in elements of transformation, divine spirit, and magical gifts that culminated in a moment of time that stood still on the planet. When I completed writing the final scene something extraordinary happened to me. Something more mystical and divine than my imagination could conjure up.
I experienced an awakening of light and sound and spirit radiating throughout my entire being. I experienced the power of the Divine Feminine.

The sound of angels singing within, through, and around me was almost deafening.
It left me sobbing, shaking, and vibrating with intense divine love.

There were and are no words to describe this experience that I still remember as vividly as when it happened in 2006.

Since being touched with this power of the Divine Feminine my life has changed irrevocably. The process of transformation has been deep at work, awakening and healing my heart to what feels like back to the source of my creation.
Spirit gifted me with inspiration and a vision for all that could be that is being validated with each passing day, in my life and the world at large.

Getting back to December 21, 2012 for a moment, let’s contemplate what the ‘Dark Rift’ is and what I believe it may mean. The Mayan long calendar ends on this date, marking the end of a period of 5,200 years and it also happens to align with a rare astrological alignment that only occurs once every 26,000 years.
The scientific community has concluded that our planet, sun and our entire solar system originated in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are also now convinced that at the center of the Galaxy is a massive black hole. The ancient Maya believed that this black hole is the ‘birthing place’ for all life and the bulge in the center of the Galaxy was termed the Cosmic Womb. Within the center of this womb there appears to be a dark corridor and it is this place that has been named the ‘Dark Rift’.
The December Solstice Sun of 2012 is expected to align with and arise out of the back side of the ‘Dark Rift’, passing through the Galactic Equator as if it is being birthed anew. This period marks the end of the Fifth Mayan Sun and the dawning of the Sixth; a New Galactic Cycle and the transformation of our world or what I call the Phoenix Star.
What is not widely known, however, is according to recent astrological calculations the Solstice Meridian began aligning with the Galactic Equator between 1998 and 1999. The Sun because of its size moves very slowly and will not fully cross the Equator and emerge onto the other side until 2018?a full 20-year cycle.
Meaning, that we are already smack in the middle of this birthing process and need not wait until 2012 to see that the world is changing and urging us to let the power of the Divine Feminine energies of love transform our lives.
2012?will it be death or the midway moment of our journey through the Center of the Cosmic Womb?
I believe it is the latter and I believe we have the power, strength, and fortitude to ride the waves of labor pains and raise our collective consciousness to witness the birth of a New World, if we embrace the power of the Divine Feminine now and let it reawaken our hearts.

Whether or not you believe this is real, something is going on. Millions of people around the world are meditating, participating in world peace initiatives, turning to healers, coaches, spiritual teachers and holistic or alternative modalities to help them find greater health, more meaning and purpose to their lives?an awakening is occurring on a global scale.

We are living in these times to experience and master what is known as the Hero’s Journey?or rites of passage, something every single one of us must endure, in one form or another.
Some of the elements of the Hero’s Journey include experiencing and transforming:

Lack of self-worth and self-love
Lack of courage and focus
Pain and patterns of illusion and programs from past lives
Overwhelming guilt and shame that suppresses our gifts
Taking responsibility for one’s life and actions
Healing our wounds
The Dark Night of the Soul
Finding our ‘voice’ and purpose
Reclaiming and standing in our power

As we clear the layers of the past we become open and receptive to heart and soul activations which translate into feeling great love for ourselves and humanity. We are able to experience true freedom, become leaders, and step into our divinity that is waiting for us as our birthright.
This may seem overwhelming, but if you have the desire and invite the Divine Feminine into your life miracles can and will happen.

Watch for signs, listen and act on inner guidance and you will be shown the way. Pay attention to what you are resisting because this is often the very thing you need to do to master the next step on your path. Explore new avenues previously feared or ignored.

No one knows for certain what is really going to happen but I’d rather live each day as if it was my last and treasure each moment in the eternal bliss of my heart.

SAY YES! To life and let the Divine Feminine awaken, bless and activate your heart and soul.

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